
Waiting on Relief? Connect with Rig Workers Here!

If you are searching for rig workers, trying to man or move your drilling rigs, you are in the right place. Career fairs, hiring events, and universities have proven to be costly and inefficient, therefore let’s simplify the process.

Simply register your company and search for candidates based on your desired criteria. Make the connection request, and once they accept, you contact the hand and start the conversation. You are only charged if the job seeker accepts your request to connect.

Industry Specific

The only hiring platform tailored specifically for the drilling industry

Reduce Hiring Costs

Reduce hiring costs by gaining access to our database of rig workers (who want to work!)


Simplify and automate the hiring process, keep rigs running, and eliminate downtime!

How It Works


Sign up and select the specific positions and traits you are looking for in a rig worker

Choose Your Rig Workers

Select the workers you want to hire from the automated list of workers that are displayed according to your search criteria.

Man Your Rig

After purchasing the contact info for the rig workers you choose, contact them and begin the hiring process

Our Pricing



1 Credits

Perfect for a single hire

Credits never expire



10 Credits

Perfect for 8-10 new hires a year

Credits never expire



20 Credits

Perfect for 10-20 new hires a year

Credits never expire

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